It has often been advocated that we should journal our lives because we may fall victim to one of the tragic mind altering diseases. (Some of you may already be laughing, because you think I lost my mind quite sometime ago.) None the less, I thought I'd look in the mirror - granted some objects are closer than they appear - and possibly share my perspective on things.

"She's Still the One"

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Worth Viewing

I am continually amazed at the amount of information which is almost instantly available to us.  I recently discovered a web site called TED.com.  There are so many presenters at this site, that just a few years ago one might have had to attend countless seminars and workshops to experience a portion of the material now only key strokes away.  If you've never been there, I encourage you to visit and find your favorite(s).

One that I especially enjoyed is found at www.ted.com/talks/ric-elias.html .

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